About Lead Ads on Facebook

About Lead Ads on Facebook

Lead ads allow you to find people who may be interested in your products or services and collect information from them. Using an Instant Form, you can collect contact information such as name, email address, phone number and more. These forms also let you include custom questions to help you understand your potential customers and reach your business goals.

You can use lead ads to:

  • Identify potential customers for your business
  • Collect subscriber information for your company newsletter
  • Encourage downloads of white papers or brochures
  • Understand the interests and behaviours of potential clients
  • Get people to enrol in your programmes

You can create lead ads in Ads Manager or from your Facebook Page. Lead ads appear in Facebook News Feed, Facebook Stories, Instant Articles, in-stream videos, Marketplace, Instagram feed and Instagram Stories.

When people click on your ad, they will be prompted to fill in your form. Once people have submitted your form, you can download your leads data directly from Ads Manager or your Facebook Page, or connect to a CRM system such as Mailchimp or Salesforce.

Note: Lead ads must abide by our Advertising Policies, including our Discriminatory Practices ads policy. This includes personal information such as age, gender and marital/relationship status, as well as location information such as street address, city and postcode.

In some cases, advertisers may use custom fields to ask about their customer’s location preferences for their service, but may not mimic prohibited prefill questions or ask for the prohibited information shared above.

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