Grow your Facebook Page

Grow your Facebook Page

So you created a Page, but nobody likes it yet. How do you get people to like your Page? Let’s talk about that.

Adding a cover photo is a good start. Pages with cover photos typically get more Page likes and visits.

Once you’ve added a cover photo, you’ll be prompted to invite your friends. You can skip this and come back to it once your Page has been set up. In fact, you can do this at any time. Start on your Page, and click Community in the left column. In the column on the right-hand side, you’ll see a field for inviting friends to like your Page. Enter a friend’s name in the search box, and then click Invite next to their name. Alternatively, you can click through the list.

Why should I invite my friends to my business Page if they aren’t exactly my customer? Getting your friends to follow your Page is the quickest, most efficient way to start building a presence and drive awareness. Remember, your friends have friends, and they might be interested in following your business and your new Page.

Another way to get more Page likes is to share it. You can announce it to all of your friends by clicking the Share button under the Page tab at the top, or under the Notifications tab.

If you have a website for your business, add a link to your Facebook Page there.

Here’s a pro tip: You’re inviting all of these people to your Page, welcome them when they arrive. Create a welcome post, and pin it to the top of your Page. Say something like, “Welcome to my new Page! I’m so excited to share all of the work I’ve been doing over the last year.”

And now, you know the basics of inviting friends to your Page.


You can also grow your followers by advertising your Page on Facebook and Instagram. We will go over how to do this in later lessons.

Maintain an active community

If people come to your Page and see that it’s active, they are more likely to like your Page and engage with the existing community. You can also use Page Insights to see when your followers are most active online and what kind of content attracts the most engagement, then tailor your content accordingly.

Source: Facebook Business

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