6 Things to Consider Before and During any Facebook Ad Campaign

6 Things to Consider Before and During any Facebook Ad Campaign

Before you go to your Facebook business manager to create a new campaign, Ad Sets and Ads there are some important factors to consider. Much like a football match, there is always a strategy for each match, developed by the coach before the match. Starting any match without carefully considering the opponent and working out a strategy that would work is a guarantee for failure.

Advertising is much the same. Here are 6 things to consider before and during any campaign intelligently drafted by Damola Oyekunle;

1. Define your goals and objectives: 

Your goals determine what your objectives will be.

When you decide what your goals are you can now talk about what your ad objectives will be. Is it engagement? conversions? traffic or video views?

Both your goal and ad objective will determine what a successful ads campaign would be.

2. Instal Facebook Pixels on your Sites: 

Make sure your Facebook pixel is installed on every page you are sending people to. Use the chrome pixel helper extension to verify this.

With the pixel setup, you would be able to create custom audiences for retargeting and lookalike audiences for scaling

It also lets Facebook get an idea of the type of audience you are targeting and optimize your views.

3.  Audience and Interests: 

Who sees your ad is as important as what your ad looks like. What interests your audiences?  What are their hobbies? Where do they work? How old are they? If you are targeting a custom audience, what value do you intend getting from them? Are you up-selling them? Retargeting them?

4. Budget: 

Your budget is one of the most important parts of your campaign.

How much do you intend to spend per day? What is your average cost for acquiring a customer? How high do you intend scaling your ads

5. Placements: 

Where do you want your audience to interact with your campaign? on Facebook messenger, stories or feed or are you looking at your Instagram stories, reels and feed?

These different placements have different objectives such as branding or conversions etc. I always remove audience network by default except it is a retargeting ad

6. Ad copy and Creative:

If your copy/image/video are not great, your offers and targeting will not help your ad campaign. What resonates more with your audience? What part of the traffic journey are they in?  Will you use images, videos, single or carousels, text or media based?

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