3 Free Websites for 3 SMEs

3 Free Websites for 3 SMEs

This last quarter, I would develop 3 websites for 3 SMEs that really need it, absolutely free. This means they would get;

  • Free Domain Name Registration & Hosting for 1 year.
  • Free Web Development.
  • Free Custom Emails.
  • Free Online payment setup (if needed).

Please to get this, you mustn’t subscribe to my email list, follow my pages, like this post, comment or get people to like your comment. Simply send me a message, explaining why you and/or your business really need a website, I would randomly pick 3 of the most valid reasons to me.

You can use the contact form or send me an email directly: hi@youcanaskobi.com

Why am I doing this?

  • Because I am a person of faith.
  • Because God is good and He wants to be good to you.
  • Because it’s an honor to be a reflection of God’s goodness and love.


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